Workflow Automation for Healthcare

Submitted by Tech Support on Wed, 06/14/2023 - 09:51
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Healthcare work is undoubtedly critical, but that doesn't mean it all has to be done by hand. Workflow automation solutions can help healthcare organizations eliminate repetitive manual tasks and save time for more important work. Here's what to know about automation and what it means for the people saving lives.

What Is Workflow Automation?

Workflow automation is just what it sounds like: It's a solution designed to make your workflows take care of themselves. Using artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and a host of other tools, workflow automation allows you to step back from manual tasks.

Frequently Automated Workflows

Although every industry has different needs and goals, most try to automate the most repetitive, time-consuming work. Examples include:

  • Document/data capture.
  • Expense approvals.
  • Order processing.
  • Employee onboarding.

Benefits of Workflow Automation

Here are just a few things you can do with workflow automation:

Save Time

Work takes longer when you do it by hand. Automation solutions allow employees to focus their effort on more complicated tasks while tech tools handle the rest. That means more time for serving customers, generating revenue, solving problems, and more.

Improve Accuracy

Human error is a fact of life, and even a small mistake can lead to a lot of work. Fortunately, by removing the "human" element, workflow automation also removes the "error" element. Tasks will be completed correctly and consistently every time, leading to fewer costly mistakes.

Boost Morale

No matter the industry, workers don't want to feel they're wasting their time and talent. Workflow automation handles the tasks they don't look forward to, freeing them up to do things they'll find more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Simplify Compliance

Compliance is key in many industries, especially as data privacy regulations continue to tighten. With workflow automation, it's easy to build and complete tasks based on any applicable rules--that way, you know the right things are always happening.

Workflow Automation in Healthcare

There are many ways to automate workflows in healthcare; every individual organization may have its own preference or approach. However, common examples include:

Appointment Scheduling

Scheduling appointments is critical for both healthcare experts and patients, but it doesn't have to be an incredibly hands-on process. An automated system can check for provider openings, present dates based on a patient's availability, finalize appointments, and even notify patients of upcoming appointments. This takes the burden off of administrative staff and helps streamline patient experiences.

Data Capture

Whether data is on a physical document or stored in some distant database, workflow automation can help. Healthcare organizations can set up their systems to automatically read certain document types and capture information from particular fields; this can be used to populate patient records, invoices, doctor notes, and more.


Keep track of what services are provided, how much a patient owes, where and when the bill should be sent, and what's been paid--all without eating into healthcare workers' day. Workflow automation handles these tasks quickly and effectively, making billing less complicated (and less error-prone) for both patients and employees.

Workflow Automation for Other Industries

Some healthcare professionals may worry about workflow automation. After all, in an industry where real people save lives, it might feel odd to put certain responsibilities into the care of AI or another non-human system. Fortunately, other industries have paved the way forward, proving that even some incredibly sensitive workflows can be automated.

Here's what that looks like:


Although human pilots are still a necessity, workflow automation makes their jobs easier through assisted flying. This frees them up to focus on higher-importance tasks while the system provides support.


Machines in a manufacturing workflow must be carefully managed to avoid waste and potential injury, but manufacturers trust workflow automation to handle many key tasks in the production line.

Wastewater Treatment

Water treatment is critical for the health and safety of whole populations. Workflow automation helps ensure all the right steps are taken to operate plants, monitor treatment materials, complete cycles, and more.

In conclusion, workflow automation can do a lot of good for a lot of industries--and healthcare is no exception.

Contact us today to see workflow automation in action!