Sending your documents out to a professional printer may be business as usual for you, but if you spend a lot on production print and related costs, it's worth your while to re-examine this process. Regardless of your line of business, there are many reasons to consider bringing your production printing in-house. Not only can you save on time and expenses, but printing in-house also allows your company to retain full control and ultimately be more satisfied with the end result.
Benefits of Bringing Production Print In-House
Retain Creative Control
When you hand your printing over to another company, you are trusting them to interpret your vision. A printer may decide to resize elements or use shortcuts to save on printing costs and increase their profits. By bringing production printing in-house, you can control these elements and make your own decisions about the kind of paper and ink you want to use. You can ensure that you get final approval before printing anything, eliminating the time delays that can pop up when a printing provider has to wait on your approval and make the changes you want.
Analyze and Manage Spending Easily
Analyzing printing costs and spotting potential savings can be difficult when you outsource printing. The price given by your printer may seem fair to you and may be comparative to other printers in the area. However, the cost of doing it in-house can still be much less than outsourcing all of your printing needs. Any service that you pay for is sure to come with cost markups that you can eliminate by sourcing the supplies yourself and eliminating labor costs. In some cases, if you have an existing relationship with an office supplies provider, you can get a discount on the things you need to bring print production in-house.
If you want to have better control of your printing, the first step is to find the right production printer for your needs. HGI Technologies is here to help with custom business technology solutions that help you streamline your printing efforts. Contact us today to request a consultation.