Is Managed IT Worth It for Small Businesses?

Submitted by Tech Support on Wed, 07/19/2023 - 11:16
two people working on laptops, phones

Small businesses don't necessarily have small needs, and you certainly don't have small challenges. What you do have is unique needs--and not all tech and workflow solutions are designed to fit. Is managed IT services in the same boat, or can it be a good match for your business?

Let's find out.

Small Business Considerations for Managed IT Services

The first thing to know about managed IT services is that it's designed based on solutions, ideas, and procedures that work no matter what industry you're in or how many devices you use. That's because many tech problems and concerns, regardless of their size, can be traced back to a few core issues that are the same across all setups.

However, while managed It services can work for just about any business, it doesn't necessarily have to. Before jumping into a contract or partnership, you should ask yourself these questions:

"How Big Is Our Team?"

It makes sense that a small business may have a small team, and that's a big deal when it comes to evaluating the relevance of managed IT. Here's how to break it down:

Managing: If you have a small team that isn't breaking a sweat, you're probably doing just fine. Your company may not be big enough to have complicated workflow problems and all kinds of tech to juggle, and your team is comfortable handling whatever comes up.

Not managing: If you have a small team that's struggling to manage tech questions and projects, you're outgrowing your current setup; you need solutions to help take the pressure off your people. That's a sign that managed IT might be a good fit.

"What Does Our Tech Stack Look Like?"

Some small businesses have a few devices here and one or two systems there. That's easy enough for an on-site tech expert to handle--and even employees without IT backgrounds might be able to navigate this setup.

But if you have a long list of hardware and software tools that have to work together, connect to various devices, and work across locations, it might be time to call in some extra help from managed IT.

"How Fast Are We Growing?"

Let's say you've decided you don't need managed IT services right now. What happens if you suddenly get 10, 20 or even 100 new customers? Will you be able to handle new accounts, communications, processes, and workflows?

In cases like this, it's always smart to look ahead. Periods of fast growth can leave you feeling unprepared and overwhelmed--but if you have managed IT in place right before you need it, you'll be ready to tackle new customer demands and keep growing confidently.

How Managed IT Adapts To Your Small Business

While it's important to reflect on your own needs and goals, don't forget that managed IT is a partnership. Your provider can adapt to your industry, business size, tech stack, and more. If you think it might be time for managed IT, a good provider can help make this the perfect time.

How? Here are just a few ways IT solutions can adapt to fit your small business:


A tech audit is the best way for your managed IT provider to plan their approach. They'll get an inside look at your hardware, software, user habits, budgets, and more. Once they've compiled this into a full report, they'll go over the details so you're on the same page--and from there, they can highlight the root causes of your most significant problems and help you create effective action plans.

Tailored Solutions

You may have a common tech problem, but you need a solution that fits into the way you do things--otherwise, you'll just end up with more problems. A managed IT services provider knows how to scale their expertise based on your needs, which means you'll always get customized recommendations and tailored solutions. You'll never have to adapt to ideas that were copied and pasted from bigger businesses.


You have tech questions. They might be the same questions everyone else asks, or they might be totally unique. Whatever the case is, your managed IT provider should work with you to provide constant, consistent support in the places you need it most--and they'll do that by learning where your pain points and knowledge gaps are.

In conclusion, managed IT services can be a great fit for small businesses. All you have to do is think about what you really need and whether an expert tech partnership can help you get there.

Ready to get started? Contact us today to learn more about managed IT for your small business!