Do you have a sinking feeling that your office isn't nearly as productive as it should be? Do you know what's standing in your way? For many organizations, a few seemingly simple changes could be all that's required to bring about some revolutionary changes.
Implement Simple Changes
You don't need to reorganize your entire company to bring about drastic improvements in productivity. Often the solutions to increased efficiency are right in front of us.
The solution to an unproductive office begins with a realistic assessment of your current situation. Here are three suggestions you can start using now.
- Take a hard look at your equipment. Assess the state of your furnishings and technologies to see if your team has what they need to become more productive. For example, a multifunction printer is a stand-alone device that consolidates the functions of four separate types of equipment. Your team can use an MFP to copy, print, scan, fax, initiate workflows, and capture and route information to your document management system. Ergonomic chairs and standing desk are also known to increase employee productivity.
- Let in some light. Is your team trying to function under outdated, flickering fluorescent light? There are much better options available, including fixtures and bulbs that mimic natural light. Under the right lighting conditions, your employees will be naturally more content and more productive.
- Go mobile. Can your team take work with them when they're out of the office? With M-Files mobile workflow solutions, your staff can access documents on the go, collaborate on core projects, and initiate critical workflows all from their mobile devices. Implementing M-Files mobile workflow solutions means your team can work from any location at any time of the day.
Ready for your team to be more productive? Contact us at HGi Technologies to learn about M-Files mobile workflow solutions today!